Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Scorpion and the Frog

One beautiful morning, the Scorpion met the Frog. They were in the side of a highway. The scorpion said, "Please cross me to this highway, I'm so slow and maybe I will be run over by a car".
The Frog said "Are you fooling me? if I will carry you, maybe you will sting me". The Scorpion said "No I will not Sting you, use your common sense. The Frog accepted the pleading of the Scorpion so they crosed the highway. When they reached the other side, the Scorpion stinged the Frog. The Frog jumped in the sinking sand. The Frog said, "Why did you sting me?" The Scorpion said,"I Sting you because it's my nature" So both of them drowned.

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